Monday, September 11, 2006

Evening, towards Great Cheverell
My attempt to capture what seems like contradictory yet harmonious colours and light at sunset, where the sky goes from orange/gold through a pale green blue to a darker purer blue. The light changes so quickly.
Oil on Panel 30 x 23cm

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Evening clouds over Cheverell
Had trouble deciding which direction to set up the easel, everything looked so interesting. Chose south west, a quick burst of painting as evening drew in. Got pretty cool in the wind and regretted wearing sandals! Then my bike had a puncture so had to walk home, lucky it wasn't far.
Oil on panel . 30 x 25cm.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

'Reflections of Water Reeds' (Oil on panel 30x x 24cm)
Jonathan and I went painting yesterday, whilst Mary went cycling alonside the River Avon in the Woodford Valley, nr Salisbury. Great to see the sun again.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

St Brides Bay

ST BRIDES BAY (Pembrokshire)
Painted this from Broad Haven beach, looking into the sun, pretty blinding and my glasses Reacto lenses went very dark giving me false colours - so had to paint a lot without the glasses. Rather disorientating. Waves need more practise, they're a bit static here.
CLICK twice on the image to enlarge (second time in lower right hand corner)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

'Cliffs at Portgain' (showing 19th century industrial ruins on skyline) Pembrokshire coast, West Wales. Painted sitting on the rocks, an uncomfortable position which I'm sure left a lasting impression on my behind!
(30 x 24 cm. Oil on panel)

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Farm at Bromham with fresh sprouting crops.
Early peaceful Sunday morning in June 2006.
30.5 x 23 cm. Oil on Panel.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hawthorne Tree above my studio on a hot Sunday - June 2006. Oil on card . 21 x 29cms
Attempted to capture a great display of purple/pink heathers, on a clifftop.
by the sea - Summer 2004

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tractor tracks in a wheatfield. 21.5 x 15 cms. Oil on card. Was hoping to practise on more green wheat, but suddenly it is ripened after the recent heat wave so will have to do gold wheat if I can get the time before it is harvested. This week is heavily booked!

Cow ignoring the sunset - June 2006.
15 x 21 cm Oil on Card.
After I painted tractor tracks in the field I turned round and saw this scene evolving behind me so had to have ago. A very quick paint.