Sunday, February 24, 2008

  Painted leaves.


  1. If I'd done this is would be a muddy mess!! Is that paynes grey at the bottom left? That was my favourite colour in my paintbox.

  2. hi Andrew it has been a while good to see you still creative or should i say expressive!
    love the step by step painting.
    i've got a feeling your going back to your roots (earth)
    good luck!

  3. Thanks! Lesley, yes it is Paynes Grey, a very handy favourite, merging with some black probably. I never use black on oils but it is very useful with watercolour.
    Hi Rob. Yes back to the roots you could say. They are also sort of studies for some theatre floor design, ( PS I did go back to my roots in South Africa recently, where I was born. I really want to get back there to paint again.

  4. Thank yoou for sharing
