Sunday, May 15, 2011


All Saints Church, Steeple Ashton, over a new wheat field. (telephone lines now been added!). An impressive and ornate building for such a rural setting. I was aiming to catch something of the weather and light  this April 2011. We have had amazing weather, warmer and drier than any recorded previously since records began. "This good  weather  has lasted longer than any summer I can remember!" says my son. He can't be far wrong as far as UK sunshine goes.
You can see the unisual geological folds in the hills to the right above Westbury, and to the left these are the heights above Edington where King Alfred fought and beat the danes in 878 AD, in a final battle before making  peace.

View towards London, over Sandown Park RaceTrack

View over Sandown Park RaceTrack from Sandown View Hall. I was exhibiting my stained glass wares/portfiolio at the Christan Resources Exhibition (a sort of church trade show). The view was  a source of facination, as the light was constantly changing with bright sunlight and dark shadow on the landscape and planes flying in and out of Heathow Arport (on the left horizon), landing  approximately every 1min 15sec.  so I decided to try to paint it   - it was done in fits and starts, when visitor footfall was quiet, with the ebb and flow of people.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Roundway Hill, from Pear Tree Hill

Roundway Hill seen  from Cheveral Magna, or Pear Tree Hill, as locally called.  Oil on panel. 19" x 12"

Monday, May 09, 2011


View over the Lavingtons from Strawberry Hill. Capturing something of the unprescedented warm weather this April. A three week gap between starting and finishing this one. In the meantime all the foliage and rape seed had grown so had to update with a lot of colour. You  can see the two church towers of both villages

 Painting in progress. It was completed in two sessions.
Below the start of the painting two weeks earlier

Sunday, May 08, 2011


Painted this in two sessions, just as leafy buds were opening in April. I wanted to try catching something of the freshness of the Spring light. Painted over a couple of hours to start, from 2.00 till 4.00;  it is extraordinary how swiftly and radically the scene changes with  almost opposite light and shade effects on the buildings. The  final result indicates the day at about 3.30/4.0pm